dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

In this post, we want to explein another kind of free time, ENTRETAIMENT. We think that entretaiment, it's also a good think to do in the free time, because, like cinema, they are like books but better, because the explain you the book more cleary. The only bad think of going to the cinema, it's that you have to pay every time you go to there.

In this post we want to speak about sports. Some people like to play sports in their free time, for example, in Spain  a lot of people play football, basketball, tennis or volleyball. A good think of doing sports, is that you play with more people and then you have a better time, and it's also good that at the same time, you are doing exercice and that is healthy for your body. So we think that, at the moment, doing sports it's the better option, because you have fun and it's healthy.

dimecres, 29 d’abril del 2015

In this post we want to show you some of the activities that you can do outdoors. If you enjoy doing exercise, you can go cycling because you are doing exercise at the same time you are looking at the landscape. If you like reading books or just doing nothing, you can go fishing. If you have a lot of free time, you can go to the beach and have a good time swimming there. And you can also go to the forest and look the birds and relax in the nature.


dimecres, 1 d’abril del 2015


At the first post we introduced our selves and we gave you some interesting books for read. in this post we will gave you some videogames because we supose that someone prefer to play that to read.
The videogames are: fifa(football), Uncharted(adventure), GTA(conduction and shooter) and call of duty(shooter)

dijous, 26 de març del 2015


We are two boys that have a lot of ideas for our free time, and we want to say to the other people wich are these ideas. We hope you like and you will use it for your free time.

In these post, we will show you some titles of books that we had read in our free time, and with tose we have a great time: Divergent, The seventh son or Harry Potter.